We The People

Will Create Our Own Future

Prepare your child with knowledge & skills through the joy of an apprenticeship.


Technical Skills


Hands-on Experience


Strong Bonds

Find your Mentor

Below is a directory of Apprenticeships being offered by professionals in the surrounding areas.

Apprenticeships are offered for high school grade students and above.

How it Works

Apprentices will apply directly to the posting of their interest. After initial contact and meeting in person, mentor and student will choose one another based on compatibility. The initial amount of time offered will be decided by the mentor. This may change through the experience depending on many factors including enthusiasm of the student to learn and availability of the mentor.

Available Apprenticeships

Natural Building

& Basic Carpentry

Learn to build using the ancient method of cob construction. Join our crew as we construct a small home using cob, recycled materials, & raw timber.

Top off the building with a living roof and you will gain the knowledge of constructing a living domain of the land itself.

Looking for an enthusiastic person with energy, strength and focus to be a part of our team.

About this Mentor:

Meesha Na has studied visual arts/sculpture her whole life. She earned her BFA at Tyler School of Art in 2001. Continuing her education internationally, Meesha traveled for 7 yrs throughout in Central America, Mexico, & Italy learning from all the artists she found skilled and intriguing. She worked as a professional artistic jeweler in Philadelphia, PA for 12 yrs out of her own studio specializing in silver, gold, steel, and bronze. The past 4 years, she has focused on learning the art of natural building through the construction of her own home, bath house, greenhouse, and lean-to workshop. Meesha’s expertise lies in the sculptural usage of mixed media and is currently building her knowledge of structural concepts through working with experts in carpentry and roofing.

Requirements: Must be 15+ yrs old and in good health.

Location: Groton, NY

Contact: Meesha lol3369@protonmail.com 215-316-1309

Assistant Art Director

The apprentice will be learning how to be an assistant art director for an art club this summer. He/She will gain knowledge of how to work with a variety of materials and the processes involved in creating sculptural art pieces. The apprentice and director will meet before and after the club meetings on Tuesdays to discuss planning, prepare materials and debrief after discussing any challenges that day as well as planning for the following week. The mentor may ask the apprentice to work off days to help prepare projects for the group.

By the end of the session, the apprentice will have further developed their creative vision, gained experience presenting instructions to a group, help young artists build their skills, and learn how to work effectively with a group.

Requirements: Practicing artist age 15+

Location: Groton, NY

About this Mentor:

(See listing above for more info on Meesha Na)

Meesha Na has taught art classes & assisted with Cloud 9 since winter 2023. She taught sculpture and metal work in her private studio for 10years in Philadelphia, PA. The art club will meet on her private land every Tuesday from 6/18-8/20 10am-2pm.

Become a Mentor

Becoming a mentor can be a rewarding experience on many levels. The lifetime of knowledge you have acquired in your field can be passed down to the next generation on a personal basis. In this sense, your knowledge, experience, techniques and thoughts can live on in the mind and heart of your chosen apprentice.

The bond created through this experience can last a lifetime.

For more info about becoming a mentor please fill out the form.